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arti bahasa indonesianya what time is it

arti bahasa indonesianya what time is it

2 min read 19-12-2024
arti bahasa indonesianya what time is it

Arti Bahasa Indonesianya "What Time Is It?"

"What time is it?" is a common English phrase used to ask for the current time. In Indonesian, there are several ways to ask this question, depending on the level of formality and the context. This article will explore the various ways to say "What time is it?" in Indonesian and provide examples of their usage.

Formal and Informal Ways to Ask "What Time Is It?" in Indonesian

The most straightforward translation of "What time is it?" in Indonesian is "Jam berapa?" This is a versatile phrase suitable for most situations, both formal and informal.

  • Jam berapa? (What time is it?) - This is the most common and widely accepted way to ask for the time.

However, you can also use other phrases depending on the context:

  • Pukul berapa? (What time is it?) - This is a more formal way to ask. "Pukul" literally means "o'clock," making it slightly more precise.

  • Sekarang jam berapa? (What time is it now?) - Adding "sekarang" (now) emphasizes the immediacy of the question. This is perfectly acceptable in both formal and informal settings.

Examples in Context

Here are a few examples showing how these phrases might be used in conversation:

  • Scenario 1: Asking a friend informally

Friend: Hey! What are you up to?

You: Nothing much. Just wondering, jam berapa sekarang? (What time is it now?) I need to leave soon.

  • Scenario 2: Asking a stranger formally

You: Excuse me, pukul berapa sekarang? (What time is it now?) I have an appointment.

  • Scenario 3: Checking the time on a phone

You: Let me check. Okay, it's... Jam berapa ya? (What time is it?) Oh, it's already 3 PM!

Understanding the Nuances

While all three phrases essentially mean "What time is it?", choosing the right one depends on the context. "Jam berapa?" is a safe bet for most situations. "Pukul berapa?" is more formal, suitable for interactions with elders or authority figures. Adding "sekarang" simply adds emphasis on the present moment.

Responding to "What Time Is It?" in Indonesian

Once you've asked the question, you'll likely get an answer. Here's how you would typically respond:

  • Jam dua belas siang. (It's twelve noon.)
  • Pukul tiga sore. (It's three in the afternoon.)
  • Jam tujuh malam. (It's seven in the evening.)
  • Jam sembilan pagi. (It's nine in the morning.)

Learning these various phrases will help you navigate conversations about time in Indonesian with ease. Remember to pay attention to the context to choose the most appropriate phrase. Now you know how to ask "What time is it?" in Indonesian—go forth and practice!

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